Policy Change – Possible Evidence Review

Effectively immediately, Sixth Sense Paranormal will no longer accept unsolicited photographs and/or video for review unless those files are directly related to an active, on-going investigation.

It has become increasingly clear that most who send us such evidence are more interested in having us validate their perceptions of paranormal activity than they are in the objective, factual, and professional evaluation of seasoned investigators.

One of the things we spend most of our time doing in the early stages of an investigation is looking for rational explanations for phenomenon that our clients face. We do this because identifying that which is probably not paranormal helps us focus on phenomenon that may be paranormal.

Over the years, our team has evaluated thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of video footage. That experience has taught us how to differentiate possible evidence from normal photographic anomalies. Given that we are a volunteer organization dedicated to investigating the paranormal experiences of our clients, we simply can’t continue to spend time reviewing unsolicited data only to have our integrity and experience questioned when we are unable to confirm claims of the paranormal.

If you, or someone you know, believes that they are experiencing paranormal phenomenon, please contact us to open a case so that we may investigate your case properly, professionally, carefully, and confidentially.

Disclaimer: Sixth Sense Paranormal reserves the right to use any images, sound or video files, whether obtained through investigation or received without solicitation, for any educational, informational, or promotional purpose we deem appropriate.


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