I Was Assaulted By The Hat Man

Editors note: This article was written by former team member Angelka Rogers and is posted, in it’s entirety, on the Russell Rush Haunted Tour. Please click on the image or links to read the full article. We post it here, with permission, as a courtesy for our visitors.

gel_hatman_0_1412033084I always knew that being a paranormal investigator had it’s hazards, but this one caught me off guard. A few years ago I was in a very busy season of investigating, and for those of you who also investigate, you know about the “investigation hangover” that you get after just one investigation. The “investigation hangover” is the period of utter exhaustion after spending a night trying to communicate with the dead. It can last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks sometimes for me. Obviously, after many consecutive investigations, I was wiped out.

One night during this period, I was awakened from my sleep by something/someone groping me. I was alone in the bed, and…

CLICK HERE to read about the rest of Angelka’s encouter with the Hat Man!


Another Orb Explanation

Every year, we receive dozens of calls and inquiries from people asking us to take a look at their “paranormal” photos. Many of these images have orbs in them – usually taken during or after a funeral or significant family event. One of the hardest parts of doing what we do is explaining to people (who really want some paranormal validation) that their images are probably not paranormal.

Most orbs are NOT paranormalOne of our team members came across this article from a group in New Zealand and I wanted to share it with everyone here. The article shows some great graphics about how flash patterns can affect and influence orb manifestations in our photographs.

CLICK HERE to read the article

For a better idea about how we at Sixth Sense Paranormal deal with the issues of orbs in photos, please read our article on the subject.



New Article – What Are Orbs, Really?

Here’s a new article about the pros and cons of the orb debate!

Click Here to read the entire article!Mythical, magical identifier of the spirit world? Or simply an accumulation of natural anomalies such as dust, pollen, ice crystals, or moisture?

The topic of orbs is the subject of a plethora of controversy. There are many valuable opinions and sources of evidence that both validate and dethrone the idea that all orbs are of a paranormal nature.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of article, and more!

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